SureVestor’s Comprehensive

Dwelling Insurance Policy

Dwelling Insurance Policy

Finally a dwelling policy that covers Owners and Property Managers.

Enjoy peace of mind with hassle-free risk reduction that automatically names Property Managers as Additional Insured.

SureVestor Dwelling Insurance

When owners hire a professional Property Manager, their contract typically requires that you add them to your dwelling policy as Additional Insured. This covers you both from expensive tenant injury lawsuits. The problem is, most insurance companies won’t add Property Managers, which puts you both at risk.

Dwelling Insurance


  • One insurance company represents both owners and property managers
  • 100% replacement cost (refer to policy conditions)
  • Coverage for sudden and accidental discharge of water
  • Coverage for properties owned by Trusts, LLCs, and Partnerships
  • Covers liability, fire, hail, windstorm, vandalism, theft, and malicious mischief
  • Easy signup process
  • No credit check required


  • From the owner’s standpoint, listing the Property Manager as an Additional Insured helps make the claims or litigation process easier. When the policy extends to both parties, they are able to present a unified defense, with one insurance company representing both. It not only streamlines the process but reduces costs all around.
  • Without an Additional Insured endorsement, the Property Manager would have to cover any expenses up front and then seek reimbursement from the property owner directly under their indemnification clause – a much more time-consuming and costly process that could even lead to the PM suing the owner.
  • The Property Manager typically does carry E&O Insurance and General Liability insurance, but this generally only offers protection from claims that are a result from negligence by the Property Manager. It typically does not offer any protection against lawsuits concerning the home itself that weren’t a direct result of the Property Manager’s negligence.
Dwelling Insurance

What Our Clients Say

“SureVestor is a differentiator!”

Chuck Kelly
Eclipse Property Mgmt

“SureVestor is a

Derek Seal
Gorilla Rents

“What does peace of mind cost?”

Randy Huntly
Property Mgmt Advisors