- Protect landlords from tenant malicious damage, lost rent, and eviction fees
- Double your liability coverage to $1,000,000
- No cost to Property Managers – Discounted price for landlords
- We handle all the logistics – tracking, monthly reporting, and billing of owners/tenants
Rent with Confidence Guarantees
- Guaranteed! Malicious damage coverage up to $35,000
- Guaranteed! Loss of rent coverage, eviction costs, sheriff fees, legal expenses
- Exclusive: Only available in U.S. through SureVestor
Rent with Confidence Guarantees
- Guaranteed! Malicious damage coverage up to $35,000
- Guaranteed! Loss of rent coverage, eviction costs, sheriff fees, legal expenses
- Exclusive: Only available in U.S. through SureVestor
SureVestor Exclusive!
- $1M liability coverage for PM
- Solves for when you can’t get named on owner’s dwelling policy
- Covers PM when tenants sue
- Fast. Easy. And no cost to you!
Learn about SureVestor from our clients!
As a Professional Property Manager ourselves, we know firsthand the pain points and investment of time our profession demands for us to keep up to date on what you should know, and what you can do to best help grow doors and earn more from the doors you manage.
At SureVestor, we provide easy to implement insurance programs that make owning, managing, and renting less frustrating for everyone and more profitable for both YOU and your OWNERS.
Let me show you how with a free consultation.

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