Risk management is an essential part of our job as property managers.
Are your landlords covered for malicious damage or eviction expenses? Do you enjoy breaking the news when a tenant stops paying rent?
Wouldn’t it be great if you were the Property Manager who introduced landlords to a whole new level of protection?
At SureVestor, we understand how quickly expenses add up when the unexpected happens. That’s why we’re proud to be the only broker in the U.S. to offer Landlord Protection Insurance featuring the Rent with Confidence Guarantees.
For a little more than a dollar a day, landlords will be covered for expenses that might normally cost tens of thousands of dollars. And they only way they can get this innovative coverage is through you, the Property Manager!
Tenant Damage Guarantees
• Up to $35,000 for malicious damage
• Up to $15,000 for theft/damage due to theft
Loss of Rent Guarantees
• Up to 8 weeks rent if tenant skips
• Up to 12 weeks rent for Tenant Delinquency
Eviction Expense Guarantees
• Up to $5,000 for filing fee/defense costs
• Up to $600 for Sheriff, Marshall or Constable fees
SureVestor offers exclusive and affordable insurance coverage to protect property managers, landlords, and their tenants.